In this chapter, swamiji has talked about the correct way of ‘ruling’ over a state. In the world, we find many types of rulings. At one place, king’s powers are limited, at another place, there is no king at all, still at some other places, the king has unlimited powers. Swamiji is in favour of a system, where powers of a king are limited by ‘dharam’. He cannot do whatever he wants. In this system, the ruler is controlled by the ruled and the ruled are controlled by the ruler. For an ideal ‘rule’, swamiji has talked of three types of assemblies. Swamiji is of the view that ‘ruled’ is able to control the ruler to the extent of his knowledge, that is, higher is the level of knowledge of the ruled, the better is the control over the ruler.


-‘Ruled’ follow the ruler. As such, the ruler and the concerned bureaucrats should never do any type of bad behaviour. But they should set examples to be followed by the ruled by behaving perfectly in accordance with ‘dharam’.

-A kingdom progresses as long as its members behave in accordance with ‘dharam’ and it gets destroyed on becoming of its members unjust or unethical.