-Let’s try to find out the correct meaning of the term ‘prayer’. Logically thinking, we happen to earn the authority for asking for help from some other person in a particular activity, only after having tried to do that particular activity ourselves. Similar is the case, when we pray to God for some help. Our prayers are acceptable only if, we had tried to resolve the matter by ourselves to the best of our capability. Suppose, our car had broken down and we ask for help from some other person. He or they will not extend his or their helping hands if he or they find us sitting idle. Prayer is asking for help from God for righteous acts after trying ourselves in accordance with our capability. Prayer for the welfare of another person cannot help him except creating a non-negative atmosphere for his actions. Every person has to earn himself everything, he receives, through his own actions. He can not get anything without the actions of his own, simply, because of the prayers of his well-wishers.

-Prayer is done, when, a thing is felt lacking. It is done to fulfill that lack. It is done to a person, who possesses that thing in abundance and may become ready to give that thing, because, only a person who possesses a thing can give it. Owner of all non-living things of the universe is God. As such, we are required to pray to God for all worldly and non-worldly things. Today’s prevalent prayers are like demanding one rupee from a billionaire. Such sorts of prayers, not only, reflect the foolishness of the demander but also show disrespect to the giver. As such, the only things which can be demanded from God are-विवेक, तेज, power to bear the miseries, intelligence to know the duties, strength to remove all ills from life, ability to obtain all worldly and non-worldly things through the path shown by Rishis, power to think for the welfare of all, power to remove all bad thoughts from mind, power to know the truth and power to enjoy the bliss.

-A thing is not given by the giver to an idle person. After trying to one’s best to acquire a thing according to one’s capacity and capability, one earns the right of receiving God’s grace towards acquiring that thing. This fact can be seen in worldly life, also. For example, if a person wants to buy a house costing rupees ten lakhs and for that plans to arrange eight lac rupees using all his resources like investments, availing loans, fixed deposits, savings et cetera. And after that, if, he approaches his relatives for help for the arrangement of the remaining two lakhs rupees, his relatives seeing his exertion will help willingly according to their capacities. But, if, instead he approaches his relatives for their help, saying that he does not want to sell his investments, does not want to withdraw the amount put by him in fixed deposits, does not want to use his savings et cetera, then no relative will help, even if they can. There is an English saying also to this effect, “God helps those who help themselves”.

-A shepherd was praying to God, “O God! I have left my cattle in the forest for feeding themselves. I am having a constant watch over them. Whenever, they try to move in another field or try to go out of the boundary, I step in and make them not to do so. Similarly, O God! We, too are the animals feeding on the nature, created by you. We are not able to see you but you are constantly watching us. Kindly, save us whenever we try to move on a wrong path.”

-If, in our prayer to God, we request for forgiveness of a person, who has done wrong, then, actually, we are not praying but suggesting to God. Suggesting Him is actually dishonoring Him since, we tend to suggest only those, whom we consider knowing lesser than us. If, we request God for making any endeavor successful, then, we are dishonoring him by directing Him. Directions are given only to the persons working under us.

– If, we receive an opportunity of demanding a thing from Lord of lords, then we must demand something, which can remove all our miseries. The thing essential for removing all our miseries is vivek. As such, vivek only should be demanded from God. When vivek directs us to do nice deeds, then, we are bound to receive pleasure or happiness. Best prayer is said to be one, in which we request Him to bestow on us best of viveks.