Today’s Social Systems
Before, knowing the ultimate truth of fundamental subjects, it is better that we recognize the truth of today’s social systems.
Today, the prevalent systems related to education, justice, medicine et cetra are not according to our own culture, rather, all these systems have been imposed on us, as a result of the English Rule. A liberal view would be that even if, these systems have not been in accordance with our own culture, what is wrong with them and why should we change them? All the systems related to education, justice, medicine et cetra given by our sages are of a very high quality and it will be foolishness to apply modern systems at the place of great systems of our own.
To compare the systems, given by our sages and those given by the English men, it is necessary that we know not only the English systems but also, the systems given by our sages and then, decide which systems are more beneficial for us.
For smooth running of the society, it is imperative to follow the systems of education, justice, medicine et cetra given by our sages. The English systems are unable to give right direction to society. Due to the systems, given by our sages, we led the whole world, in all fields, till the time of Mahabharata. Whereas, the English systems have proved to increase social evils. In a good society, ethics or morals are not be followed by organisations only, but, these are to be followed by each member of the society, at his own individual level. And in order to inculcate the spirit of ethics or morals at individual level, we must know and adopt our own culture.
– Some people believe that because, permanent change in social systems is possible only through government, therefore, an individual cannot do anything, in this regard. The people who are said to be part of the government, also, come out of the society created by us. As would be the character of the members of a society, so would be the character of the government. If, we want the people of our government to be intelligent and proud of our past, then, we will have to inculcate the same qualities in ourselves, first.
Despite the fact that social evils have increased a lot, because of the English Systems of education, justice, medicine et cetra, in today’s society, our ancestors are considered useless. Many of us stand in support of today’s systems because, we have no knowledge of works of our ancestors. Moreover, there are very few people in the society who, knowing the deeds of their ancestors, consider themselves fortunate to have taken birth in this country. This chain of thoughts is meant to shake the people of this country in this regard.
Today’s education system– Is it not the duty of the education system to give true views on the topics enlisted here? Is today’s education system capable of imparting basic knowledge on these topics? All the ideas mentioned here, were given to the student in the first 1-2 years only, in our ancient education system. Why do we accept extremely irrational things in the name of religion, even after studying so much or after acquiring so many degrees? It is because, today’s education system, itself, does not know what is the final destination of its students, where, it has to act as a mean, only?
Today’s judicial system– Today, in the name of justice, only decisions are taken. Lawyers and courts trouble a person a lot. Therefore, the common man considers it better, to keep himself away from courts. Unfortunately, the people involved in the judicial system do not even know the meaning of justice and injustice. Today, judges, lawyers et cetra are only titles of a profession and some of these people do not even know the very purpose of punishing. The fact is that justice can be done only by a person, who has all the qualities of humanity. And the Vedaas are the only source of the principles of humanity.
-Today’s Police and Military System – People’s faith in today’s police system is negligible. People go to the police, only when, they have no other option left to live in the society. This is because, the main aim of police is not to provide protection to the good people from anti-social elements.
Such is the condition of the military system that people who have the burden of security of country are encouraged to drink alcohol under different schemes.
–Today’s medical system– Today, more than 25% of a person’s income is being spent on medical care. When, medical system should have been a service, it has become a business. Doctors, manufacturers and sellers of medicines and the persons, who undertake different pathological tests are very organized. Prime focus of all of these is exploitation of patients. To earn money has become the main goal of the medical system. No English medicine will be found, which does not have side effects. The English medical system is such that it does not allow other more effective and easily accessible medical systems to flourish.
– Today’s economy– It is only agriculture, where output is many times more than input. But, still, industrialism dominates the economy of the whole world. The attitude of dependence on borrowed capital is increasing. Today’s intellectuals are silent, as to, from what kind of businesses, one should earn money and what kind of businesses, one should avoid irrespective of its potentiality of generation of money. Due to bad control, a lot of means are spent not in the collective progress of the society, but in the prosperity of the politicians.
-Today’s politicians are more eager for the fame of themselves and their kiths and kins than welfare of the people. If, all the main countries are against terrorism, then, whence, do terrorists get so much ammunition?
Today, eating non-vegetarian food and drinking alcohol have become very common. After all, what progress has been made in our eating habits?
-Today, the objective of journalism has become to make the thief accept that he is a thief. Journalists have started thinking that this is their only duty, towards society and they need not themselves know the truth. Journalists, of today, want the people, who see and hear their news, to find out the truth or falsehood on their own and these journalists, do not think it appropriate to have a conclusive verdict over one’s being wrong or right themselves.
-Today, society is seen and judged only as a market. More than 90% of advertisements and movies are destroyers of our character. Today, the promotion of violence and pornography is in full swing. Should we not think whether Western culture has set an ideal in any one area or is it moving towards setting an ideal? If not, why don’t we lean towards knowing our own culture?
– It is true that these systems have been given by the British and they also contain evils, but can they not be converted into good systems, once the evils are removed? In fact, this condition of our social systems has resulted from the decline of our individual character and western culture has no road map for the upliftment of individual character. Its solution is the building of personal character based on true knowledge and the only source of true knowledge is ‘Vedaas’.
In spite of not knowing the source of goodness, Western society has done a lot of work towards the refinement of thoughts.
Simply saying that we progress by adopting the truth, is not enough. Because, whatever we do, we do it only because of its benefits. Therefore, the benefits of adopting the truth should be stated more clearly.