Lord Morle declares-‘What is found in the Vedaas exists nowhere else.’

Accepting the Vedaas as true science American lady Wheeler Vilox writes-

‘We have all heard and read about the ancient religion of India. It is the land of the great Vedaas-the most remarkable works containing not only religious ideas for a perfect life, but also the facts, which all the branches of science have since proved true. Electricity, Radium, Electorns, Airships all seem to be known to the seers, who found the Vedaas.’     

W.D. Brown expresses his following comments on Vedic Religion-

‘It, that is, Vedic Religion recognizes but one God. It is a thoroughly scientific religion, where religion and science meet hand in hand. Here theology is based upon science and philosophy.’

American scholar Thyoro explained importance of Vedaas in following words-

‘What extracts from the Vedaas, I have read fall on me like the light of a higher and purer luminary which describes a loftier course through a purer stratum-free from particulars, simple, universal. The Vedaas contain a sensible account of God.’

Renowned Irish poet and philosopher Dr. James Cuzon writes in his book- Path to Peace-

‘On that, that is, Vedic ideal alone, with its inclusiveness which absorbs and annihilates the causes of antagonisms, its sympathy which wins hatred away from itself, it is possible to rear a new earth in the image and likeness of the eternal heavens.’

Prof. Paul Theema of Ubnigan university said in his presidential address in 26th International Congress of Orientalists –

‘The Vedaas are noble documents-documents not only of value and pride to India but to the entire humanity because in them we see man attempting to lift himself above the earthly existence.’

Renowned Parsi scholar Fardoon Dada Chanji writes about greatness of Vedaas- 

‘The Veda is a book of knowledge and wisdom comprising the Book of Nature, the Books of Religion, the Book of Prayers, the Book of Morals and so on. The word ‘ ‘Veda’ means wit, wisdom, knowledge and truly the Veda is condensed wit, wisdom and knowledge.’

French scholar Jeckliyat writes in his book- The Bible in India –

‘Astonishing fact! the Hindu Revelation, that is, Veda is of all revelations the only one whose ideas are in perfect harmony with Modern Science as it proclaims the slow and gradual formation of the world.’

Christian Father Moris Filip accepts Vedaas to be the knowledge of God and writes-

‘The conclusion, therefore, is inevitable viz, that the development of religious thought in India has been uniformly downward, and not upward, deterioration and not evolution. We are justified, therefore, in concluding that the higher and pure conceptions of the Vedic Aryanas were the results of a primitive Divine Revelation.’

J.Mascaro gave words to his thoughts as—

‘If a Bible of India were compiled …………the Veda the Upanishads and the Bhagvad Gita would rise above the rest like Himalayas of the spirit of man.’

In the above quotations, I have, deliberately, used double ‘a’ at the place of single ‘a’ in vedaas to make the phonetics of the word clear. Also, at some places, I have used the words-that is- at the place of using brackets.