-A very important step to walk on the path of truth is to accept the thing as it is and to take maximum advantage of that thing to achieve the purpose of life. There is an important topic in this context – God

It can also be said about this that because, if, there really is an entity named God, and if, such a being can improve our lives, then, it would be foolishness not to think of such an entity. But, if, no such being exists in reality and it is just a fantasy, then, our thinking about such unreal entity is meaningless and we should not waste our time, which is limited on this imaginary being.  

-Because, we do not see so much power in any living being that he can create this universe and it is also accepted by science that no systematically created thing (even if, that is a simple pen) is without its creator. If possible, then, we have to think of an entity other than man as the creator of this universe, in which there are millions of galaxies. Now, the question arises that even if, God exists, what is the benefit of knowing God and what is the harm of not knowing Him? In other words, what difference does it make to us whether we believe in God or not?

We must have seen many God-believing people in our life. Let us consider that what is it that these God-believing people have achieved and we should also obtain that? What reason do such people give for believing in God? What do our intellects think of their arguments? Before we think about this being, we need to know the arguments of god-believing people, in this regard.

It does not matter to God whether we honor him or not. Whatever positive qualities we see in the things around us, God is the best storehouse of all those qualities, or rather, all the qualities visible in worldly things are only a part of the qualities of God. In order to honor these qualities, it becomes necessary that we should honor God, so that we can also get these qualities. Only by acquiring these positive qualities, we can fulfill our worldly responsibilities well. Therefore, in order to perform our duties well, it is necessary for us to worship the being named God.

-There is no such thing in the world which does not have any properties. Even if, that object is water, electricity et cetra. In such a situation, what qualities do these theists believe in the entity named God and why? What does analytical power of our intellect say about the qualities of God mentioned by such people? Do the answers given by them address our question as to why we should bow down to such an entity? What is the benefit of believing in God and what is the harm in not following Him?

-There are many people in this world, who consider the subject of God unnecessary. It is also true that in the last few centuries, bloodshed that has happened in the name of God is much more than bloodshed caused for any other reason.

If, someone sees somebody eating sand and starts broadcasting that it is wrong to eat food, then, he cannot be called intelligent by anyone. It becomes his duty to know what is right to eat and what is inappropriate to eat. We can apply the same thing on the subject of God. It becomes every one’s duty to know the real nature of God. Then, no one will be able to motivate us in the wrong direction.

-A thing known by direct cognition does not require any other proof. A person, who has observed the time of day himself, does not need to know from other persons whether a particular time is of day or of night. Many of our ancestors by the method of direct cognition have put the stamp of truth on the qualities, deeds and natures of God, described in the Vedaas. The teaching of only those, who have felt that thing themselves by the method of direct cognition, or who are further telling the things of such persons should be accepted, only. Rishis are those persons, who felt God themselves and have learned the knowledge of Vedaas from God Himself. We are very fortunate that we have taken birth in the land of Rishis. We are just to feel this good fortune.

-Before knowing God, let us understand the benefits of knowing God.

Because, God is completely pure, so knowing Him well can bring complete purity in our actions. Some people do not accept the existence of God, but purity is also seen in their behavior. This is due to impressions of their past actions, which are called sanskaras. When a person says that he does not believe in God, it does not mean that he does not believe in the qualities of God like benevolence, fearlessness et cetra. Every substance has certain properties or in other words, matter and its properties cannot be separated. Acceptance of the qualities can be considered to be the acceptance of the related matter. But, because of their stubbornness, they accept the qualities, but refuse to accept the beholder of those qualities.

– We do not believe in God, just to please Him, but, we believe in God to be happy ourselves. How does believing in God mean being happy? This will be discussed later. It does not matter to God whether we know him or not, whether we call him God, Allah or something else. Only when, we understand His qualities exactly as they are, we can take advantage of Him. When, we refuse to accept His correct qualities, we invite harm instead of advantage.

-Soul and God are two separate and independent entities. All those associated with our culture believe soul to be eternal. But, many people also believe that after attaining a higher state, the soul gets absorbed in the divine. If, such absorption is believed, then, soul cannot be eternal because it is bound to lose its identity on getting absorbed in God.

 The reality is that no matter how high the soul goes, its existence remains eternal and different from the Supreme Soul. Some consider the soul to be a part of God. Such people are found unable to give a single instance, where the substance which they consider to be part of the main substance does not have the properties of the main substance. Whereas, there is a complete lack of qualities like omniscience, omnipotence et cetra of the Supreme Soul in the soul.

-Let us think about the greatness of God before proceeding further. Everyone believes that God knows our thoughts. If a person is asked how many and what thoughts came to his mind, in the last one minute, then, perhaps, only one person in a million could answer it. Now, if this time is increased from one minute to one hour, then, no human being will be able to answer it. In the same way, God knows the thoughts of every moment of the entire life span of a person, which is 70-90 years. There are currently about 700 million people alive on this earth. From this single aspect, we can estimate about the greatness of God. Our ancestors, who brought out such logical thoughts about such a great entity, named God deserve salutation.
-The entity of God is not a fantasy, but a real one. Some people believe that an imaginary being – ‘God’ has been resorted to control humans, properly. The existence of God can be proved by thinking of just two main issues. One, we can think of such a large universe, creation of which is beyond the capability of any human being, past or present, either individually or jointly. Two, seeing the handicapped, we have to assume existence of a greater entity than human beings, which, makes the souls combine with the handicapped or diseased bodies against their will. The creation of the universe and union of souls and bodies is not possible without the intellect. So, we have to believe that this entity is not only real but intelligent, also. Things with intelligence are called conscious. Now, we know that the thing called God is real and conscious.

-Our mentality is such that we consider God similar to our own bodies, that is, similar to human beings. For some variation, we consider Him to be one-eyed or four-handed et cetra. It is believed by all that God is present in every soul. So, when soul is formless, then, how is it compatible to assume God to be having form. Another misconception which is spreading in the society is considering ईश्वर and भगवान as one. The main meaning of root ‘Bhaga’ is all sorts of wealth. So, the meaning of the word ‘भगवान’ is a person, who possesses all sorts of wealth or ऐश्वर्य.   ईश्वर possesses all sorts of wealth, but, every possessor of  all sorts of wealth is not ईश्वर.

-By omnipotence of God, we mean that He can do whatever He wants. According to this meaning, if God wants to give the fruit of any action, then He would give and if, He does not want to give, then, He would not. But, there are some things that God can never do, like, God can never do injustice to anyone. He cannot change the laws of gravity et cetra. In fact, God is called omnipotent because, He does not require anyone’s help in any of His works.

-Some people believe that God can do anything. He can also do injustice, but does not. Let us think over this statement, microscopically. For making something happen, two things must be there. One, the knowledge to do that work, two, power needed to do that work. The meaning of having proper knowledge and power is only when that work is done. If, a person does not make a clock, then, his knowledge of making a clock and power to do so become meaningless. The same thing can be applied to God as well. Creation of universe is giving expression to His knowledge of creating a world. Without this expression there is no point in His being knowledgeable about creation. Some people consider God as a force. Although, it does not matter to God, whether he is believed or not, but the reality is that God is not a power, but a powerful being. It will be totally illogical, if a person believes in certain attribute, but, refuses to accept the beholder of that attribute. He will fail to give a single incidence, where an attribute and beholder of that attribute does not co-exist. The same is the condition of today’s science, which believes in the creation, but does not believe in the creator of the universe.

-According to a scientific principle, three things are needed to make anything. One- the maker of the object, two- the thing, from which it is to be made and three- the knowledge and means of making that thing. For example, for making cloth, the first thing that is needed is a ‘cloth maker’, the second essential item is yarn and the third essential thing is the art, that is, knowledge, instruments needed for making cloth et cetra. God is the first reason for the creation of the universe. The second reason is the original nature and the third reason is the knowledge of God, His natural qualities, time and space. The original nature is eternal. Simply, at the time of creation, the original nature becomes manifested.

-The meaning of the word ‘mercy’ is believed to be to release the criminal without punishing him. It is absolutely wrong to take this meaning of the word ‘mercy’. Punishing the one in proportion to his offence is ‘justice’ and not punishing the offender destroys ‘mercy’. Letting go of one criminal is like tormenting thousands of good persons. When, release of one criminal causes suffering to thousands of human beings, then, how can doing so be called ‘mercy’? It is mercy on the offender to save the criminal from committing a sin by imprisoning or killing him. Despite, a nominal difference between them, the purpose of both justice and mercy is same.  In fact, on a mental level, the desire to give happiness to all and to make them free from misery is called mercy and to express such desire by outward effort is called justice.

-A misconception is very prevalent among the people that there is delay but not injustice on the part of God. When, we believe that justice delayed is equal to injustice done and God is just, then, it is wrong to believe that there is delay in justice on the part of God. The reason for such a belief is that according to us, the fruits of some actions should be received sooner, whereas, the proper time to get the fruits of those actions is, only after some time. Therefore, there is neither delay in justice nor injustice on the part of God.

-In our culture, God is believed to be present in every particle. The more the space an object is present in, the subtler it becomes. We can see this fact in worldly objects like steam et cetra. It is impossible for an omnipresent thing to have form. Some sects believe that God lives in the fourth sky or seventh sky or under water. Determination of truth has meaning only when, a feeling of dislike towards that thing arises in our mind on its having been proved false.

-After all, what is the reason for the belief of our ancestors that God is present in every corner of the universe? Everyone considers God to be the regulator of this creation, that is, the keeper of the rules. The principal, who is supposed to be the regulator of the school, stays at one place in the school. The fact that there are so many irregularities and acts of indiscipline in the school, on his back, cannot be denied. From this emerges the principle that for a thing to be bound by law, it is necessary that its controller must be present in that thing.

-If God is present in every particle of the universe, then, God is also present in temples and idols. Then, how is it wrong to go to the temples? When we go to temples et cetra, we have this feeling that He does not exist outside temples et cetra. Believing so, we get involved in immoral activities after coming out of temples. Indirectly, our visits to temples show that we do not accept the fact that God is omnipresent. Even if, at our personal level, we believe that God is present both inside the temple as well as outside the temple, even then, it is wrong for us to go to temples et cetra, because by doing so, we set a wrong example for others. While living in a society, we do not have to do many things, even if, those things are in accordance with our own mentality, simply for the reason that wrong examples for others are not set.

-Like qualities, there is a great difference between the actions of soul and that of the Supreme Soul. There are some things that only God can do and not souls either individually or collectively. There are some things that only soul can do and not God. Following are the deeds of God:

  1. To create, hold and destroy the universe.
  2. At the beginning of creation, give His knowledge to human beings through Vedaas.
  3. To give fruits of the deeds to all beings.

The soul is responsible for doing all the rest. It is not possible for God to do any activities like filling water, making bread et cetra.

-Let us understand the meaning of calling God as maintainer of creation with the help of an example. A maker of parts of a watch does not regulate the iron particles, from which the parts are made. He cannot be held responsible for the changes in iron particles. This regulation is called maintenance. For, it is impossible to maintain a thing, without being pervasive in that thing and God is present in everything. So, He is, also, maintainer of creation.

-Being infinite, it is not possible to know all the qualities of God. Only 10-15 main qualities of God are discussed. But, different meanings are given to these qualities by each sect. To know the true meaning of these qualities, we have to make our intellect subtle. Like the qualities, His names, too, are infinite. Each name refers to some of His qualities, like-

Brahma – the creator of all the worlds.

Shiva – the bestower of welfare.

Vishnu – Pervasive in all living and non-living things.

Rudra – One, who makes doer of evil deeds cry by punishing them.

Ganesha or Ganapati – Lord and sustainer of all.

Father- the protector

Dev- Scholar and the giver of knowledge et cetra.

Yama – The one, who gives just fruits of the deeds of all living beings.

Bhagwan – the lord of all sorts of wealth.

Shakti – The one, who is able to create the world.

Lakshmi – the goal of learned yogis

Saraswati – Knowledge of various sciences, words and their meanings.

Advaita – One (not two)

Mahadev – God of gods

-The word ‘Praise’ is used for chanting the qualities of God, but, it becomes useless for a person, who sings the qualities of God for the sake of his profession, only and does not inculcate those qualities in his character. Praise is calling the merits of an object as merits and demerits as demerits. Calling demerits as demerits may hurt others, but it is right to do so, for the benefit of the world. The opposite of praise is blasphemy, in which the qualities of a substance are described as demerits and demerits as virtues. We can say that the truthful speaking is threaded in praise. By chanting the qualities of an object, love for that object increases.

-All the sects of the world either revolve around a person or have been established by some human being. We have tested with our intellect that the creation of this universe and the union of souls with bodies is not a work of any human being. Also, we have come to know, while understanding the qualities of God, that to control the whole universe, it is very necessary for God to be present in every particle of the creation and no person can be omnipresent. Let us accept this truth. Truth is accepted, all at once and not gradually.

-Let us repeat some important attributes of God. God always was, is and will always be. He is real and is not a fantasy. He is conscious and very intelligent. He is blissful. He doesn’t have a body. He is formless. No one is like that. He does not take the help of others in any of His works. He is endless. He is kind and just. He is the knower of everything. He does all his work, only for the welfare of souls. He is the basis of all. He is the remover of all sorrows. He creates the universe and remains present in every particle of it. There is no limit to his power. He is absolutely holy. He is perfect.

-Generally speaking, one who accepts the existence of God is called a theist. But, in reality a theist is one, who accepts whatever qualities are there in God and accepts the lack of qualities, which are absent in Him, that is, knowing God as He is. According to this definition, one who does not believe in the knowledge of God, Vedaas is also called an atheist. In this whole series of essays, an attempt has been made to know the truth. Behaving in accordance with truth is more difficult than knowing the truth.  

-Knowing God correctly makes us happy. Let us understand this with an example.

Just like our seeing is meaningful, only when we have healthy eyes and have a feeling of gratitude towards the giver of light. In the same way, in order to attain real happiness, it is necessary that we have a feeling of gratitude towards God. Because, it is not possible that a person is a theist, but is not grateful to God. This means that theism is necessary for real happiness.

-Now, two very popular notions are discussed. First notion- God is doer of everything. In fact, God does not do all the activities. He is said to be the doer of everything, being the controller of this world, just like the President of a country is said to be running that country. Second notion – There is nothing else in this creation, except God. He creates this universe without any other object. In fact, in this creation, apart from God, there is also the original nature and souls, which are eternal. These three entities are beginning-less and endless. To create the universe by God means to convert the original nature into seeable nature.