The fact is-allowing our senses to meet their subjects (sound is an subject for the sense of hearing) is like putting combustible material in fire and then expecting the fire to extinguish. Attraction towards their subjects is inherent in the senses. It is foolish to think that this attraction will fade away with passage of time. But it is also true that in certain circumstances attraction of the senses towards their subjects diminish. We must understand as to what are those circumstances. Let’s try to explain it through an example. Sugar is sweet and tongue will always like to enjoy sweetness and the thought that tongue will develop an disliking for sugar, if it is continuously allowed to have the pleasure of sweetness, is very absurd. Suppose, a person on the threat of taking your life asks you to keep sugar in your mouth for half an hour, then in that circumstance sugar may not taste sweet to your sense as otherwise. Now, we try to find out the truth behind development of distraction in the tongue for sugar in such a circumstance.

These worldly things are only means for attainment of non-worldly objective. The use of worldly things is only a path to reach the ultimate destination. Love of traveller for his path is devoid of any sort of ‘attachment’ for it. He loves his path for the sake of his journey only, and not for staying there. This world is only a part of eternal journey of soul. When one tries to stay in the path, then he becomes an offender of crossing his limits. The soul receives punishment of this offence from within only. All the senses can enjoy the pleasures received from the contact of their respective subjects till these subjects are used as means only to reach the ultimate goal of our lives.

-Some of the thoughts are of Pandit Gangaprasad Upadhayay