-All the bodies in this universe, whether they are self-illuminated or illumined by others, are called Jyoti, in Sanskrit language. The science related to jyotis is called astrology. Astrology includes algebra, arithmetic, geography, astronomy and geology. As astrology is a science, nothing in it is a speculation. But, in the name of this astrology, a belief has been created in the world that on the basis of celestial bodies, fruits of actions of a person can be known. It is not mentioned in any text written by Rishis that any particular day, date or month has any relation with the result of a Karma.
-The words बुद्ध, बृहस्पति, शनि et cetra appearing in the Vedaas do not refer to planets. It is true that there is astrology in the Vedaas, but, it has no connection with results of actions. Now, today, as the word astrology is considered, it is believed that either the living beings do not have the freedom to act or even if they are free to act, their freedom to act is less than the effects of planets, constellations. In fact, astrology means the study of the celestial bodies.
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