Before accepting the idea of ‘Previous Life’, please answer the following three questions. First question-Have we received this body on birth free or have we given something for it? Everyone will say that this body has been received by us as a result of our actions. Second question-What occurs first-result or action? Everyone will say that karam always precedes result, for example, a student attempts the examination first, only then his paper is evaluated and given the marks. Now the third and last question is -If we have received this body on birth as a result of our karmas and karam always precedes result, then for receiving this body, when were the karmas for the same done? Everyone will say that his body is a result of his karmas done in his previous life. After answering these three questions, every logical person is bound to accept the principle of rebirth.
-Thoughts of Swami Vivekanand Privrajak
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